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Oxygen and copper are examples of elements. Oxygen is a non-metallic element with atomic number 8, and copper is a metallic element with atomic number 29. Elements are substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical reactions.

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Q: What is oxygen and copper are example of?
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How much oxygen reacted with the piece of copper?

The amount of oxygen reacting with copper can be determined by the reaction stoichiometry. For example, in the reaction of copper with oxygen to form copper oxide, two moles of oxygen react with one mole of copper. From the given amount of copper and assuming all the copper reacted to form copper oxide, you can calculate the corresponding amount of oxygen that reacted with the copper.

Are oxygen and cooper an example of elements?

Oxygen and copper are examples of elements; cooper is a barrel maker.

Is CuSO4 an example of a chemical element?

No, CuSO4 is not an example of a chemical element. It is the chemical formula for copper sulfate, which is a compound made up of the elements copper, sulfur, and oxygen. Copper (Cu) is the element in this compound.

What is the word equation for copper plus oxygen?

The word equation for copper reacting with oxygen is: copper + oxygen → copper oxide.

What does metal plus oxgen equals?

When metal reacts with oxygen, it forms metal oxides. The reaction is called oxidation.

What are the 2 elements of copper oxide?

Copper oxide is composed of copper and oxygen atoms. The two elements in copper oxide are copper and oxygen.

Does copper with oxygen?

Yes, copper reacts with oxygen to form copper oxide.

Does copper have oxygen?

Copper does not have oxygen as a constituent element. However, copper can form oxides when it reacts with oxygen in the air, leading to the formation of compounds like copper oxide.

What is the chemical reaction copper and oxygen?

When copper reacts with oxygen, it forms copper oxide. The balanced chemical equation for this reaction is: 2Cu + O2 -> 2CuO This means that two atoms of copper combine with one molecule of oxygen to produce two molecules of copper oxide.

What elements are in CuO?

Copper (Cu) and oxygen (O) are the elements in cupric oxide (CuO).

What do you get if mix copper and oxygen?

When copper is mixed with oxygen, copper oxide is formed. The specific compound formed depends on the ratio of copper to oxygen present during the reaction.

How do you know if it is an element?

Elements are present in the periodic table. For example Copper (Cu) is an element but copper sulphate CuSO4 is a compound.... Elements present in copper sulpahte are Copper (Cu),Sulphur (S) and Oxygen (O).