

What is parabolic arc trajectory?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What is parabolic arc trajectory?
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What is a synonym of trajectory?

A trajectory could also be described as an arc.

How will a ball falling fom train appear to a passenger on train and a man standing on ground?

To a passenger on the train it will follow a parabolic trajectory facing towards the back of the train. To a man standing on the ground it will be a forward facing parabolic trajectory.

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What is the arc of a shot?

It is the upward trajectory of the ball when you shoot.

What is projectile trajectory?

A projectile's trajectory is the curve along which it moves through the air or space. When a projectile is fired on earth the simplest theory holds that its trajectory will be parabolic in form. However, this does not account for air resistance and other factors.

Projectile motion involves both a horizontal and a vertical component?

An arc or parabolic curve.

What is the arch called that a bullet does after a gun is shot?

line of flight, or you can also call it a parabolic arc.

How do you calculate the initial angle of a parabolic trajectory given the complete formula for the parabola?

the ofrmula is x=-b/ab... trust me in in 8th grade taking a 11th grade course!!

Can or has anyone came up with the technology of weightlessness on Earth?

Flying in a parabolic arc is the best we can do presently. Astronauts have to take such training aboard the "Vomit Comet"

What curved path an object follows when thrown?

Actually, if you were to ask a Gunners Mate in the Navy, he'd tell you that the curved path of an object thrown is called a trajectory. And in a practical case, trajectories are not parabolic when traveled in a gas, like our atmosphere. They are parabolic if and only if the objects are not also acted on by drag and angular momentum forces. And any good curve ball pitcher in baseball can prove that.

How do you fire a projectile different distances from a catapult?

The distance an object can be fired from a catapult can be most easily changed by altering the height of the front of the catapult. Since the projectile's motion follows a parabolic arc, changing the initial trajectory should yield different distances. This is just like a gun, which only really fires at one particular muzzle velocity, but the distance can be changed based upon the angle at which a person fires.

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