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It is neither the numerator nor the denominator but the fraction that they represent.

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Q: What is part of a quantity when compared to the whole a numerator or denominator?
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What are the 2 thing to be kept in mind in remainder questions?

The numerator and the denominator. Without them, the whole question is pointless!The numerator and the denominator. Without them, the whole question is pointless!The numerator and the denominator. Without them, the whole question is pointless!The numerator and the denominator. Without them, the whole question is pointless!

How do you times the numerator by the denominator?

all you do is multiply the numerator to what the denominator is and it will turn out to be a whole number

Kinds of fraction?

The numerator, which is the number above the line. The denominator, which is the number below the line. The denominator defines the size of the fractional parts of a whole, and the numerator tells how many there are. A fraction is often used to express the division of the numerator by the denominator.

How the numerator and denominator of a fraction are related?

The denominator is how many pieces are in a whole, or one, while the numerator is the number of pieces you have of the whole.

What is the numerator and denominator of a fraction?

The numerator is the top which is the part of the fraction and the denominator is the bottom which is the whole number.

What numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator?

It is anImproper fraction,ONLY if the numerator is bigger than the denominator, and if the numerator and denominator are the same it is a whole number.example of an improper fraction: 5/3example of a whole number: 7/7

How do you write 33 as a fraction?

To write 33 as a fraction, you can simply express it as: 33/1 This fraction represents the whole number 33 as the numerator over the denominator 1, which signifies the whole fraction represents the whole number 33 as the numerator over the denominator 1, which signifies the whole quantity.

How do you change improper fractions to a mixed number?

Multiply the denominator by the whole number, add the numerator, and put the total over the denominator.

What is the numerator of the fraction equivalent to that has a denominator of 60?

It can be any whole number. You really can't calculate the numerator based on the denominator.

Is 86 numerator 23 denominator is a whole number?


How do you turn an improper fraction with the same denominator and numerator with a whole number?

Any fraction with the same numerator and denominator is equal to ' 1 '.

What is factors to the numerator and denominator?

The numerator and denominator of fractions are just whole numbers and have factors like any other number. Factor them as you would any regular whole number.