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Q: What is partly brown is in the schoolyard is moving can be seen with the unaided eye and gives off oxygen?
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Is the atmosphere partly oxygen?

Yes, oxygen makes up 20.9% of the atmosphere.

What is a sentence for the word partly?

Moving out of my parents' house, I was partly sad but mostly happy.Partly, it was my fault I didn't get to school on time.Though his answer was partly correct, he wrote the wrong date for the signing of The Declaration of Independence.

How do plants obtain oxygen they need?

thru their leaves. Edited answer: Partly from the process of photosynthesis during day time and partly from the air through the stomata during gaseous exchange.

How does crabgrass convert CO2?

The CO2 is absorbed through the blades and converted into carbon which is used in the growth of the blades and roots, and oxygen which is partly used in growth and partly released through the blades into the atmosphere.

How can gas be a part of mixture?

There are three ways. Some mixtures are gases themselves, and air is the most common one. Some mixtures are partly gases and partly liquids. Also, gases can dissolve into liquids, like oxygen in water.

Who paid for the aswan high dam project?

Partly Russia and partly America

While backing out of a parking space I hit another moving car am I at fault I live in Wisconsin?

Yes, at least partially. If the moving car was being operated recklessly at the time it hit you, the other driver may also be partly liable.

What is an economy that is both partly command and partly market?

When an economy is partly command and partly market, is called a mixed economy.

What do you call an economy that is both partly command an partly market?

When an economy is partly command and partly market, is called a mixed economy.

What is an economy that is both partly command and partly market called?

When an economy is partly command and partly market, is called a mixed economy.

What are you doing if you partly coincide?

you partly agree and participate but partly you don't go along with it.

Why is the need of plants for oxygen less urgent than that of animals?

Plants have a much slower metabolism than animals, that's why they also live much longer. Oxygen can be so taxing... Edited answer: Because plants can respire anaerobically also and they can meet out oxygen requirement partly from the process of photosynthesis.