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A microscopic observation of a stained, peripheral blood smear (can maybe be used in evaluating blood disorders).

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11y ago

That is a test where the stain the cells of the blood to give them color and then a trained person looks at them under a microscope.

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Q: What is peripheral smear?
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What is blood smear?

A blood film or peripheral blood smear is a microscope slide made from a drop of blood, that allows the cells to be examined microscopically

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Antigen test for malaria parasite and peripheral smear for malarial parasite.

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A cell from the peripheral blood smear that has a pencil shape, i.e. long and pointy, under the microscope.

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Cell fragility causes smudge cells to appear on peripheral smears. Addition of albumin prior to slide preparation essentially coats the fragile cells, thus keeping them intact on smear preparation.

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Peripheral blood smear. It is when a haematologist spreads blood onto a microscope slide so they can look at the shape of the cells directly.

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A myelophthisic anemia is the displacement of the bone marrow into the peripheral circulation by a disease such as metastasis of the bone marrow. This leads to the presence of nucleated RBCs and immature myeloid cells in the peripheral blood. Under microscopy, this is known as "leukoerythroblastic smear."

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1.Serum Creatinine, Blood Urea Nitrogen. 2.Platelet count. 3.Peripheral Blood Smear examination. 4.D-Dimer.

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The cells infected with Epstein-Bar virus do not have any special look. You can see the peripheral blood smear with many lymphocytes. Some of them are atypical.

What is a clinical procedure that aids in the diagnosis of blood disorders like anemia and leukemia is?

A CBC, or complete blood count, is a clinical procedure that can aid in the diagnosis of leukemia and anemia. The peripheral blood smear can also be helpful in diagnosis.

What is the abbreviation for papanicolaou smear?

Pap smear.