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unfortunately for many, PE ends up being something that they suffer through because they exclude themselves (for any of several reasons). For many though, it is a learning experience in how to achieve their best physically and a way to develop a healthy lifestyle. It teaches methods for improving your health and building a stronger physique while improving your skills in various sports. Many people join in a sport thinking that is the one they love only to find out later that they really like another... Either way, the end result is by pushing yourself physically you become stronger and healthier. If that is not what you find yourself getting out of PE, then talk to someone you trust to find out what can change.

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11y ago
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13y ago

The role and purpose of physical education within the school curriculum is one of much debate. Though, despite the common misconception it's role is not to teach sport. The purpose of PE is to physically educate, by combining cognitive thinking skills and physical movement. The subject therefore uses sporting activities as a vehicle to do this. Physical literacy is only one component of physical education, many other facets of the subject should be common place within schools, such as knowledge and understanding of anatomical and physiological structure and function, the ability to; develop skills, make and apply decisions, develop physical and mental capacity to succeed, evaluate and improve performance, and most importantly promote and understand the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle. The contexts in which these are taught can range from traditional sports to exercise programs and classroom learning.

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9y ago

to get healthy and be fit for your age and to have fun

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12y ago

The meaning of physical education short for PE is learning about sports

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14y ago

To re-enact Lord of the Flies (AKA I don't know!).

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15y ago

i say because it keeps you fit

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Q: What is physical education all about?
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What is pe?

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