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It Is when you exercise (run, fight, etc.) and your heart pounds, breathing hard, etc. That's Where the Term "Dont Overexert Yourself" comes from.

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Q: What is mental exertion?
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Mental exertion means?

it means mental illnesses or going coo koo

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Effortless means that no exertion was required. This could mean mental or physical exertion. It was easy, undemanding, unchallenging, painless, elementary, or simple.

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Silent ischemia usually is caused by emotional or mental stress or by exertion, but there are no symptoms.

What is exertional?

ex·er·tion[ig-zur-shuhn]-noun1.vigorous action or effort: physical and mental effort: a great exertion to help others.3.exercise, as of power or instance of this.

What is exretion?

ex·er·tion[ig-zur-shuhn]-noun1.vigorous action or effort: physical and mental effort: a great exertion to help others.3.exercise, as of power or instance of this.

The meaning of FATIGUE?

Weariness from bodily labor or mental exertion; lassitude or exhaustion of strength., The cause of weariness; labor; toil; as, the fatigues of war., The weakening of a metal when subjected to repeated vibrations or strains., To weary with labor or any bodily or mental exertion; to harass with toil; to exhaust the strength or endurance of; to tire.

What type of noun is labor?

The noun 'labor' is a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for physical or mental exertion; a word for a concept.

What is the term for sense of exhaustion regardless of adequate sleep?

Fatigue is the term used for extreme tiredness usually due to mental or physical exertion or illness.

What is the definition of the word efforts?

1. The use of physical or mental energy to do something; exertion. 2. A difficult exertion of the strength or will: It was an effort to get up. 3. A usually earnest attempt: Make an effort to arrive promptly. 4. Something done or produced through exertion; an achievement: a play that was his finest effort. 5. Physics Force applied against inertia.

Why do people shake when they are angry?

Shaking when angry can be a physiological response to the body's fight-or-flight reaction. When we feel threatened or emotionally overwhelmed, the body releases stress hormones that can cause muscle tension and trembling. This shaking is a natural response to the adrenaline surge that occurs during moments of anger or intense emotional arousal.