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Q: What is primarily responsible for acid rain in the northeast us?
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Is primarily responsible for acid rain in the northeast US?


The release of sulfur oxides is a chief cause of acid rain What human activity is primarily responsible for acid rain?

fuel burning except in vehicles

Who is responsible of preventing acid rain?

Everyone is responsible for acid rain. mostly, factories, adding to air pollution.

Are nuclear power plants the primarily cause of acid rain?


Can el nino cause acid rain?

El Niño is a climate pattern that results from the interaction between the atmosphere and the ocean, leading to warm ocean temperatures in the Pacific. Acid rain, on the other hand, is caused by pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide mixing with water in the atmosphere. El Niño does not directly cause acid rain, although it can influence weather patterns that may affect the distribution of pollutants that contribute to acid rain.

Which gases are mainly responsible for acid rain?


What human activitys is responsible for the formation for smog and acid rain?

The burning of fossil fuels can cause smog and acid rain.

What human activity responsible for the formation of smog and acid rain?

The burning of fossil fuels can cause smog and acid rain.

Who is responsible for the cause and renewal of acid rain?

The Manners Of Heasvvv

What human activity is responsible for smog and acid rain?

Burning fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, releases pollutants like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere. These pollutants can react with sunlight, water, and other chemicals in the atmosphere to form smog and acid rain.

What is a major factor that is responsible for acid rain?

NO2 and SO2

Which state receives the worst acid rain?

Though the eastern half of the United States is affected by acid rain, the northeast (especially New York State) suffers the most.