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when two air masses collide it will produce weather changes such as wind, clouds, rain , snow, or tornadoes

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8y ago
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11y ago

it is a diffrent of types of air mass dah motherfukers

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Q: What is produced when two air masses collide?
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Is produced when two air masses collide?

when two air masses collide it will produce weather changes such as wind, clouds, rain , snow, or tornadoes

What is produced when two Masses collide?

when two air masses collide it will produce weather changes such as wind, clouds, rain , snow, or tornadoes

What is produced two air masses collided?

when two air masses collide it will produce weather changes such as wind, clouds, rain , snow, or tornadoes

When two different air masses collide forms a?

When two different air masses collide they form a cloud.

When two air masses collide the formation is called what?

A front

When two air masses collide the formation called?

A front

When two air masses collide the formation is called?

A front

When two air masses collide the formation is called a .?

It makes a weather front.

What is a cold air mass with high pressure called?

When two air masses collide, it is called a front.

What are fronts in weather?

when two air masses of opposing temperatures collide. usually this forms precipitation.

Where do air masses collide?

Air masses can collide at frontal boundaries, such as cold fronts, warm fronts, stationary fronts, or occluded fronts. When two air masses with different temperatures, humidity levels, and densities meet, it can lead to weather phenomena like thunderstorms, precipitation, and changes in temperature.

Why is one air mass pushed upward when two air masses collide?

When two air masses collide, the denser air mass tends to slide under the less dense air mass, causing the less dense air to rise. This rising motion is influenced by differences in temperature, humidity, and pressure between the two air masses, leading to the formation of various weather phenomena like clouds, rain, and thunderstorms.