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Puberty in men is when first your voice deepens and you grow pubic hair and armpit hair then you might get more pimples and your testes drop and last your shoulders widen and your muscle mass increases.

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14y ago
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15y ago

i actually started going through puberty when i was about 17 18....

im 20 1/2 rite now and im barley growing facial hair.

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Q: What is the latest men go through puberty?
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Does the production of sex cells occur during puberty?

yes, this happens both when men and women go through puberty

Do you have to have chickenpox to go through puberty?

No, you will go through puberty whether or not you had chickenpox.

Do midgets go through puberty?

Everyone goes through puberty, unless your hormones are whack.

What are some signs that tell you if a child is going to hit puberty early or late?

you cant really tell. it just hits them when it hits them. the most you can do is watch them and see when they are staring to go through puberty. the earliest and latest times most kids usually start to go through puberty is between 12 and 16 years of age

What is the latest puberty growth?

Puberty usually stops by the age of 18. But in some cases, it may go on for longer than that.

Can pets go through puberty?

Yes. But vets can do surgery and have the pet not go through puberty(female pets)

Im 15 years old you have not gone through puberty yet should you be worried?

no, you shouldnt. some dont start until about 16 at latest. also, you may be going through puberty now. everyone gets affected by puberty at different rates, so you may just go throuh puberty slowly

How many times do girls have puberty?

Males go into Puberty one time in their life.

When is chris chung going to go through puberty?

No one can tell when someone will go into puberty.

How do you go through puberty?

Puberty occurs naturally from age 11 to about 15.

Can people who are younger than me go through puberty first?

Yes. People go through puberty at different times and different ages.

Is muscle development a change that both males and females go through during puberty?

Yes, but much more for men than women.