

What is puesto?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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"Por su puesto" translates to "of course" in English.

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Por su puesto!

How long have you worked at your job in Spanish?

¿Cuanto tiempo ha trabajado en su puesto?

What does puwsto mean in English?

The word "puesto" has two meanings. As a noun, it means "job" or "post". It is also the past participle of the verb "poner" and thus means "put" "He puesto el libro en la mesa" means "I have put the book on the table."

What dress you wear in spanish?

If you mean "What dress do you wear?" that would be "¿Qué vestido tienes puesto?"

How do you say he wears in Spanish?

El tene puesto or you can say el se pone and also el lleva