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"Quark hunting" in relation to animals refers to the act of hunting for the Eurasian wild pig known as the wild boar. It is a popular outdoor recreational activity in some countries where hunting wild boars is permitted.

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What is a proton quark made up of?

well, a quark makes up protons, nutrons and electrons. there are some therios: but no awnser, quarks are basic things. but they make up this whole universe. it is not yet discoverd what makes up quarks.

What charge do the different subatomic particles have?

I suppose you are talking about electric charge (since there are others like color or hypercharge). Everything is in units of the elementary charge (i.e. ~1.6 * 10-19 C) The following particles have a charge of +2/3 Up Quark, Charm Quark, Top Quark The following particles have a charge of -1/3 Down Quark, Strange Quark, Bottom Quark The following particles have a charge of -1 Electron, Muon, Tau, Proton (but the Proton consists of two ups and one down quark), W- boson The following particles have a charge of +1 W+ boson The following particles have no charge: Electron Neutrino, Muon Neutrino, Tau Neutrino, Neutron (consists of two down and one up quark), Photon, Higgs (not found yet), Graviton (also not yet found), Z0 boson, gluon. There are also various other composite particles such as mesons, but those are far too numerous to list.

What atomic particles always carry a negative charge?

The electron, muon and tau; the down quark, the strange quark, the bottom quark; and the W boson.

It is theorized that protons and nuetrons are actuall formed from a combination of smaller particles what are these particles called?

Protons and neutrons are not formed from smaller particles. They are composed of quarks, which are elementary particles that combine in groups of three to form protons and neutrons.

What types of particles are proton and neutrons and electrons?

Protons and neutrons are composed of smaller particles called quarks. Protons are made of two "up" quarks and one "down" quark, while neutrons are made of two "down" quarks and one "up" quark. Electrons are fundamental particles and are classified as leptons.

Related questions

What particles are released from the nucleus when a down quark changes into an up quark?

When a down quark changes into an up quark in the nucleus, a Nestor is changing into a proton. The particles released (for almost all neutron to proton transformations) are an electron and an electron anti-neutrino.

Which is the smallest of the basic forms of subatomic particles?

Quark is the smallest particle ever discovered.

What is a elementary particle?

An elementary particle is considered to be a quark. A quark is a building block for subatomic particles.

Is quark misfit in Einsteins' theory?

Quarks are not a misfit in Einstein's theory of relativity. Quarks are fundamental particles that make up protons and neutrons, which are key components of atomic nucleus. While Einstein's theory of relativity mainly deals with large-scale objects and gravitational interactions, it does not directly conflict with the existence of quarks or the principles of quantum mechanics that govern their behavior.

What are quark particles found inside?

Nuetrons and protons.

What is the scientific name of particles of matter?


3 sub-atomic particles of an atom?

Proton, neutron and electron At a lower level up quark, down quark, and electron

The smallest particle in physics?

The smallest particle in physics is considered to be the quarks and leptons, which are elementary particles that make up matter. These particles are not believed to have any substructure and are considered fundamental building blocks of the universe.

How are quark and subatomic particles the same?

All are particles of matter; quarks are the components of protons and neutrons and are considered as fundamental fermionic particles.

It is theorized that protons and nuetrons are actuall formed from a combination of smaller particles what are these particles called?

Protons and neutrons are not formed from smaller particles. They are composed of quarks, which are elementary particles that combine in groups of three to form protons and neutrons.

What atomic particles always carry a negative charge?

The electron, muon and tau; the down quark, the strange quark, the bottom quark; and the W boson.

What is a proton quark made up of?

well, a quark makes up protons, nutrons and electrons. there are some therios: but no awnser, quarks are basic things. but they make up this whole universe. it is not yet discoverd what makes up quarks.