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Q: What is ratio measurement variable?
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Is age a ordinal variable?

No It's continuous variable a that also falls under the category of 'ratio level of measurement'

Is income a ratio or interval scale measurement?

Income is a ratio measure. In ratio measures, one can order categories, specify the difference between two categories, and the value of zero on the variable represents the absence of the variable. Thus, income can take on values of $0, $10, $30,000, etc. Zero dollar income means the absence of income, making income a ratio measurement.

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Is age an interval or ratio scale of measurement?

It is a ratio scale of measurement.

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The ratio for a diagram measurement to the actual measurement is known as the key.

What is ratio variable?

It is the ratio generated by dividing the Variable cost over total Sales/Revenue

Is BMI an interval or ratio scale of measurement?

Ratio. It has a true zero.

The name for the ratio of diagram measurement to actual measurementis the what?

The name for the ratio of a diagram measurement to actual measurements is the scale.

What are some examples of ratio level of measurement?

Examples of ratio level of measurement are age, weight, and amount of money.

How many type of variable?

This question could be answered in a variety of ways. In statistics for the biological sciences we use scales of measurement for variable types. In this case there are 4 types of variables: nominal (aka categorical), ordinal, interval (aka scale), and ratio.

The ratio between two sets of mesurements?

It is simply the first measurement divided by the second, expressed with their measurement units as a ratio.