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Q: What is resolution in drama?
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How are a drama and a novel the same?

They both have scenes, climax, and a resolution.

What is the four-part structure of drama?

Exposition, conflict, climax, resolution.

What is Aristotle's theory of drama?

Aristotle's theory of drama, outlined in his work "Poetics," emphasizes the concept of catharsis, or the purging of emotions through pity and fear experienced by the audience. He also discusses the importance of plot, character, and diction in creating a successful tragedy. Aristotle believed that a good tragedy should evoke feelings of pity and fear in the audience, leading to a sense of emotional release.

What is resolution in liteture?

In literature resolution, also known as denouement or conclusion, is the ending of a play, novel or drama where the plot is unravelled and things are worked out.

What are the two MAIN elements in drama?

I believe you are looking for three: the exposition, conflict and resolution.

How does conflict resolution becomes a habit of drama?

Plots usually include storylines and characters with conflicts that need to be resolved. A story wouldn't be the same without some element of necessary resolution.

What are the three main elements of drama?

I believe you are looking for three: the exposition, conflict and resolution.

How is the resolution of Endgame different from a typical resolution in drama?

The character’s situation at the end is no different than at the beginning.

Does climax mean the problem of a story?

No, the climax is the highest point of tension or turning point in a story where the conflict reaches its peak. It is not the problem itself, but rather the moment of greatest suspense or drama before the resolution.

How does drama tell a story?

Drama tells a story through the interactions and conflicts between characters in a particular setting. Through dialogue, actions, and emotions of the characters, the story unfolds, engaging the audience in the narrative. The use of tension, climax, and resolution contribute to the storytelling in drama.


A plot summary of a drama provides a brief overview of the main events and conflicts that unfold, highlighting key characters and their motivations. The construction of a drama involves organizing these elements in a coherent and engaging way, typically following a structure that includes exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution to create a compelling narrative.

What does the phrase tragic resolution mean?

Tragic resolution refers to the outcome of a situation or story where events lead to a sad, unfortunate, or disastrous conclusion, often involving death, loss, or suffering for the characters involved. It typically involves a sense of inevitability and is a common element in tragic literature and drama.