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Q: What is separated during evaporation?
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Can water be separated from bath salts?

Water can be separated by evaporation.

What type of mixture can only be separated by evaporation?

A homogeneous mixture such as a solution, where the solute is dissolved in the solvent, can be separated by evaporation. When the solution is heated, the solvent evaporates leaving behind the solute.

Can be separated the salt?

Sodium chloride can be separated from water by water evaporation or by distillation.

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evaporation technique

Can mixtures be separated and how?

Yes, mixtures can be separated with a centrifuge, and mixed liquids and powders can be separated by different evaporation techniques.

Salt water can be separated by evaporation?

Yes, salt water can be separated by evaporation. When the salt water is heated, the water evaporates, leaving the salt behind. The vapor can then be collected and condensed back into liquid water, leaving the salt separated.

How can a solid be separated by water precipitation evaporation filtration weighing?

After evaporation a sold crystalline residue remain.

Can a mixture always be separated by filtration?

No, only liquids. Most liquids can be separated by filtration those which can't are mostly separated by evaporation.

How is sodium chloride seperated?

Sodium chloride is separated from water by evaporation.