

What is serpentinite?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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•Serpentinization accompanied by:

-Redox and H2 generation

-Volumetric change

•3.3 g/cm3

•2.7 g/cm3

-Heat generation

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15y ago

Serpentinite is a rock composed predominantly of one or more serpentine minerals.

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Volcanic pipes such as kimberlite and lamproite are not common in California. Serpentinite, a metamorphic rock derived from oceanic crust, is more widespread in California due to the state's complex geology and history of subduction. However, actual volcanic pipes are rare in the state.

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Serpentinite can contain the mineral Chrysotile, also known as white asbestos. Asbestos is carcinogenic (cancer causing) and can also if inhaled cause serious lung problems and is best avoided!

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Serpentinite is one of the "green" rocks of the Pacific northwest.

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Serpentinite is a rock composed of serpentine minerals.I am going to drive a serpentine road tomorrow.

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M. Kamal Akaad has written: 'On the behaviour of serpentinites and its implications' -- subject(s): Serpentinite

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Volker Dietrich has written: 'Die sulfididschen Vererzungen in den Oberhalbsteiner Serpentiniten' -- subject(s): Petrology, Serpentinite, Sulphides

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Daniel L. Wilson has written: 'The origin of serpentinites associated with the Shuksan metamorphic suite near Gee Point, Washington' -- subject(s): Crystalline Rocks, Geology, Rocks, Crystalline, Rocks, Ultrabasic, Serpentinite, Ultrabasic Rocks

What are some example names of foliated and un-foliated rocks?

Some examples of foliated rocks include slate, phyllite, schist, and gneiss. Amphibolite can be either foliated or nonfoliated. Examples of nonfoliated rocks include anthracite coal, hornfels, serpentinite, soapstone, quartzite, marble, and metaconglomerate.

What is the meaning of the word serpentine?

Serpentine can refer to something resembling a serpent in shape or movement, or it can relate to a type of dark green mineral often found in serpentinite rocks.