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It's about a girl called Viola who finds herself shipwrecked in a strange country, and who disguises herself as a boy to get a job. She gets a job with a guy called Orsino who hires her to carry love-messages to Olivia, a wealthy woman nearby. Unfortunately Olivia does not fall in love with Orsino, but rather with the disguised Viola, who has fallen in love with Orsino (but can't say anything because she would blow her cover).

Meanwhile, Olivia's steward, the vain and fun-hating Malvolio, has been causing trouble for a group of Olivia's servants, relatives and friends who like to party all night and drink a lot. This gang, including servants Maria and Fabian, the minstrel Feste, Olivia's cousin Sir Toby and wannabe suitor Sir Andrew, fool Malvolio into thinking that Olivia is in love with him, and that she wants him to behave like a lunatic to prove it.

Oh, and Viola has a twin brother Sebastian who was also saved from the shipwreck, although they both believe the other to be dead.

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A romantic comedy of mistaken identities.

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Q: What is shakespeares Twelfth Night about?
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When was shakespeares play twelfth night written?

Some (like the Signet Classic Series) suggest that Shakespeare wrote the play Twelfth Night in 1599-1600. It is believed by others (like the Riverside Shakespeare) that Shakespeare wrote the play Twelfth Night (or What You Will) from 1601-1602.

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There is one called Twelfth Night that I am aware of, but in the beginning its sad. I think its sad/comedy.

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It isn't known but there was another play at the same time called "What You Will". It's possible that Shakespeare may have wanted to call this one "What You Will" but didn't want to get them confused. So possibly his play was opening on Twelfth Night, so he used that for the name.

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Twelfth Night XII was created in 1985.

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Olivia - Twelfth Night - was created in 1602.

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Orsino - Twelfth Night - was created in 1602.

What were some of shakespeares plays between 1558 and 1603?

Hamlet, Henry V, Julius Caesar, and Measure for Measure are all in this period. Twelfth Night is as well. It was the era of the great tragedies, like Hamlet and Othello, of the last of the golden comedies, like Twelfth Night and As You Like It, and the beginning of the darker comedies like Troilus and Cressida and Measure for Measure.

Who is the author of Twelfth Night?

Twelfth Night is a comedy play written by William Shakespeare

Is Twelfth Night a comedy?

Yes, William Shakespeare's play Twelfth Night is a comedy.