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Both require O2 (oxygen), and break down a substance containing carbon and hydrogen into carbon dioxide and water. Both reactions also release energy.

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Q: What is similar between respiration and combustion?
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What are the difference between respiration and combustion?

Respiration is breathing Combustion is burning

What is the difference between respiration and combustion?

combustion is a burning of carbohydrate molecule in the presence of oxygen in blood while respiration is process of breathing through which the body and blood gets oxygen.

What are the similarities between respiration and combustion?

Similarities between combustion and respirationBoth of them:(a) release energy(b) use up oxygen(c) produce oxidesDifferences between combustion and respiration(a) Combustion is fast. It releases energy rapidly. Respiration is slower than combustion.(b) Combustion involves a flame.(c) Respiration is catalysed by suitable enzymes in living cells.

Connection between combustion and cell respiration?

They both release carbon.

What are the similarities between this equation for burning glucose and the equation for cellular respiration of gluclose when oxygen is available?

Both respiration and combustion utilize oxygen and a fuel source to produce energy, carbon dioxide and water. In the case of combustion, it is a hydrocarbon that serves as fuel and during respiration it is glucose.

Differences between respiration and combustion?

Combustion is releases energy rapidly providing large amounts of energy in a short time. Respiration is breathing and oxidation. Energy is released in a controlled way.

Give one way that combustion and respiration are the same?

burning of fuel are the good example of combustion and respiration

Why could respiration be called 'slow combustion'?

Respiration is the process of turning inhaled oxygen into exhale carbon dioxide and creating energy. This is a very similar reaction to that of combustion. When a hydrocarbon burns, such a natural gas or methane (CH4), it combines with oxygen, producing CO2 and water. The definition of combustion is a reaction in which something is oxidized in an exothermic reaction, and that is exactly what happens in respiration.

How is the combustion of propane similar to cellular respiration?

If the combustion of propane isn't getting enough oxygen it is incomplete and it would be a smokey yellow flame. For humans we depend on chemical potential energy from plants and animals. Propane combustion and cellular respiration are different because propane combustion depends on oxygen to fuel it and humans depend on chemical potential energy to fuel themselves.

Is aerobic respiration similar to burning glucose?

Yes, excluding enzymes, cofactors, and coenzymes, combustion of glucose and aerobic respiration of glucose are the same thing chemically speaking.

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Differences between burning and respiration?

respiration is the break down of food substances mainly glucose in the prsence of oxygen, while burning is usually refered to combustion