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Q: What is somatization defined by the BASC 2?
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What is the basc 2?

BASC 2 stands for the Basic Assessment System for Children, Second Edition. It is a diagnostic tool for children's disorders.

What does somatization disorder affect?

Somatization affects the gastrointestinal, nervous, cardiopulmonary, or reproductive systems.

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10 Base t = 100 meters 10 Basc 2 = 185 meters 10 Basc 5 = 500 meters

What is the difference between the MISA and the BASC-2?

The MISA, which stands for the, McGhee-Mangrum Inventory of School Adjustment, is used by counselors, school psychologists, behavioral specialists, and other mental health professionals, to screen social-emotional and behavioral problems in students. The MISA measures the broad areas of Attention/Academics, Impulsivity, Anxiety, Oppositional Behavior and Aggressive Behavior. The BASC-2, which stands for the, Behavior Assessment System for Children, Second Edition, is used by school psychologists and clinical psychologists to measure and diagnose the presence of clinically related mental health and behavioral problems. Among other broad areas, the BASC-2 measures Aggression, Conduct Problems, Social Skills, Study Skills, Somatization, and Depression. This answer represents a broad overview of both assessment instruments and does not describe aspects of ages covered, reliability, or validity. It is best to refer to the examiner manual of each inventory to obtain such technical information.

Can a school counselor administer the BASC 2?

You have to have graduate level testing and assessement experience to interpret the BASC. Administering it- the directions are on it. So, it's really the interpretation of the data that's the key. Usually, a school psych interprets the results.

Can a school counselor administer the BASC-2?

You have to have graduate level testing and assessement experience to interpret the BASC. Administering it- the directions are on it. So, it's really the interpretation of the data that's the key. Usually, a school psych interprets the results.

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How do you cure somatization disorder?

There is no definite cure for somatization disorder, but there are methods that can ease the disorder. Antidepressants and cognitive behavioral therapy (specifically group therapy) are well known treatments.

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What is atypicality defined by the BASC 2?

Atypicality on the Behavior Assessment System for Children, Second Edition (BASC-2), refers to behaviors that are unusual or deviate from what is considered typical for a child’s age and development. This may include behaviors that are uncommon or rarely seen in children of a similar age. Atypical behaviors are assessed within the context of the child's overall behavior patterns and functioning.

What is Briquet's syndrome?

Briquet's syndrome-- Another name for somatization disorder.

What is somatization associated with?

Many times, somatization is associated with psychosocial stress, but can sometimes linger after the stress factors have been resolved. This sometimes leads patients to believe the correct cause has not yet been diagnosed.