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Vacuum tubes cannot eat. Perhaps you could word your question so as to be more specific for the type of answers desired. The word "something" is very broad and permits many answers.

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Kip Strosin

Lvl 13
1y ago
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1mo ago

A vacuum tube cannot operate efficiently at high frequencies compared to solid-state devices like transistors. This limitation makes vacuum tubes unsuitable for certain high-speed applications, such as modern computer processors and communication systems.

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Q: What is something a vacuum tube cannot do?
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Related questions

What is something that a vacuum tube cannot do?

Vacuum tubes cannot eat. Perhaps you could word your question so as to be more specific for the type of answers desired. The word "something" is very broad and permits many answers.

Which is something that a vacuum tube cannot do?

A. Change alternating current into direct current. B. Increase the strength of a signal

What computer component did the transistor replace?

the vacuum tube

Why is the cathode-ray tube in figure 4 connected to a vacuum pump?

A Cathode-ray tube is a vacuum that is used to get the air out. Cathode rays (electrons) cannot penetrate through any significant amount of air.

What are the elements of a vacuum tube?

A vacuum tube is simply a tube with no oxygen nor carbon dioxide in it (aka no air).

What is in a vacuum tube?

Millman's theorem

Can sound travel through vacuum tube?

No, sound requires a medium such as air, water, or a solid to travel because it involves the propagation of mechanical vibrations. In a vacuum, there is no medium for sound waves to travel through, so sound cannot propagate.

Reasons for no air in vacuum tubes?

Vacuum tubes perform their various functions on the principle of streaming electrons: that is electrons able to fly across space from one electrode to another. If there is air in the tube then this is a barrier to the electron's flight and the tube cannot function.

Where was vacuum tube was made?

who made the vacuum tubes

How many KB is a vacuum tube?

Kilobytes and vacuum tubes are not in the same category. At best, a twin triode vacuum tube is a single flip-flop and can hold 1 bit of information, making a vacuum tube about 0.000122 of a kilobyte.

What does vacuum tube mean?

an electron tube containing a near-vacuum that allows the free passage of electric current.

What is something that cannot be penetrated?

A vacuum, or empty space, cannot be penetrated because it lacks any physical substance to be pierced or entered.