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a black shirt and a solar panel a black car

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Items made of metal.

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Q: What is something that creates and conducts heat?
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Somthing that creates and conducts heat?

food worksmanship

What conducts heat?

metal conducts heatEverything conducts heat, to a greater or lesser extent.

How well does gold conducts heat and electricity?

because gold is a metal it conducts heat and electricity very well

How a vacuum conducts heat?

A vacuum does NOT conduct heat !

Why does metal heat up fast?

Metals are good conductors of heat because metal atoms are closely packed together and free electrons can transfer energy quickly. When heat is applied to a metal, the energy is rapidly transferred through the metal lattice, causing it to heat up quickly.

What is the conducts?

That means how good something conducts electricity.

What conducts heat the fastest?


WhatThings that conducts heat?


are cooking pots made out metal because they stand the heat better?

Metal conducts heat without cracking like glass or ceramic or clay.

Does potassium vigorously react with acid and also conducts heat?

Potassium does indeed react vigorously with acid and also conducts heat well.

What is the differences between conductors semiconductors and insulators.?

An insulator does not conduct electricity or heat whatsoever. (Eg: Wood) A semi-conductor conducts electricity / heat but with imperfect efficiency. (Eg: Steel) A conductor is simply a term for something that is not an insulator. A super-conductor conducts heat and electricity with almost perfect efficiency.(Eg: Gold)

What metal conducts heat best?
