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A satellite.

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Q: What is something that orbits something else?
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What is the thing that orbits something else?


What does orbit meansun and earth?

When something orbits something else, it means that it travels in a circular path around it. In the case of the sun and earth, the earth orbits the sun.

What is Pluto really a piece of?

Pluto is a dwarf planet that orbits the Sun. It is not known to be a piece of something else.

Does the moon move when it orbits around the earth?

if it orbits the earth is it moving? yes if course its moving if something orbits something of course it would be moving

What does the word satellite mean?

It is something which orbits around something else. It can be something natural, like a moon, or something artificial, like weather satellites, or something figurative, like the way Yoko Ono was a satellite of John Lennon.

What is a saterllite?

A natural satellite is an object that orbits something else. For example Luna (the moon) is a satellite of earth while earth is a satellite of the sun

What is something in the solar system that orbits a planet?

A moon orbits a planet.

What is a natural saterllite?

A natural satellite is an object that orbits something else. For example Luna (the moon) is a satellite of earth while earth is a satellite of the sun

What makes something a moon?

Orbits a planet.

What do you call something that orbits the earth?

A satellite.

Is the moon classified a star?

No, a moon is not a star. It is an object that orbits a planet or something else that is not a star. It can also be called a satellite.

Are all satellites moons?

A satellite is an object, man made or natural, that orbits something else. No, not all satellites are moons, but all moons are satellites; they're natural satellites.