

What is specific and non specific immunity?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What is specific and non specific immunity?
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What is major difference between specfic and non specfic immunity?

Specific immunity follows a non-specific response. The major difference between specific and non-specific is the ability to remember pathogenic antigens. Specific immunity results in the production of memory cells which upon reinfection are used to effectivly remove the pathogen Non-specific cannot do this

Humans and other vertebrates have both specific and nonspecific immunity while invertebrates have only?

non specific :)

What is the difference between the specific and nonspecific immune response?

Immunity provides protection against specific foreign antigens, displays memory, and it requires distinction between self and non self antigen.

What type of immunity produces antibodies?

specific immunity

How do you improve your immunity?

There are different types of immunity Non-specific and Speicific and the best is Innate which is inborn, acquired active after exposure to a disease like measles & mumps and by vaccination which is Artificially acquired active immunity which is the practice now to prevent from incurring a disease. There are different types of immunity Non-specific and Speicific and the best is Innate which is inborn, acquired active after exposure to a disease like measles & mumps and by vaccination which is Artificially acquired active immunity which is the practice now to prevent from incurring a disease.

What is the difference between natural immunity and acquired immunity?

Naturally acquired immunity occurs through contact with a disease causing agent, when the contact was not deliberate, whereas artificially acquired immunity develops only through deliberate actions such as vaccination. they are both immunitys

If a person has memory b cells against a certain pathogen the person is?

Immunity is a biological term that describes a state of having sufficient biological defenses to avoid infection, disease, or other unwanted biological invasion. Immunity involves both specific and non-specific components

What are the two components of specific immunity?

Humoral Immunity- acquired immunity in which the role of circulating antibodies is predominant. Natural Immunity- the resistance of the normal animal to infection

What kind of immunity depends upon the production of disease specific antibodies to destroy harmful bacteria?

humoral immunity

Process of immunity?

The process of immunity is to produce specific antibodies that bind to antigens on the surface of pathogens. =]

What type of immunity provides lifetime protection for the body against a specific pathogen?

Active immunity

A type of immunity that defends against specific pathogens and gradually builds up resistance to it?

It is an acquired immunity