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sacrificing other things to benifit " more important" things, within your budget

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Q: What is strategy based budget?
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Advantages by applying concentrated marketing strategy?

You will not have as much wasted energy. This strategy helps you to determine the best places to put your marketing budget.

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Skill is based on raw talent, whereas strategy is based on getting the most out of what talent you have

How does management use an operating budget How do they use an activity based budget What are the similarities and differences between these types of budgets?

The key to a successful financial reporting system is an operating budget in order to compare your actual operating results. Managers use the operating budget for planning in setting goals and developing strategies to achieve those goals. Budget will demonstrate how resources will be developed to implement strategy. Managers use the operating budget for strategy, long-run planning strategic plans, long-run budgets, short-turn planning operating plans, and short-run budgets. The operating budget will aid management for a specific period and [b] an aid to coordinating that needs to be done to implement that plan.

What was the cost of a bike?

It based on ur budget. That what budget you have to afford a bike

Is an mmorpg considered a game of strategy on the MyMajors test?

The game is considered a game of strategy. It is a game of real time strategy and turn-based strategy.

What are budget figures based on?

Budget figures may be based on actual, budgeted, or standard costs. These categories are not mutually exclusive.

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The building of dams is the water conservation strategy that is based on the catch water where it falls.

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Is the IT strategy based on the business strategy?

Yes all IT strategies based on business strategies as IT is also one of the growing business ways in today's computer age. All strategies of a business, including its IT strategy, should be aligned with its overall business strategy.

What is south African budget based on is it on required or general or expected or earned income and spending?

The South African budget is based on the the expected income and spending. The South African budget is based on the tax collected and the expected or earned income.

Flexible budget against static budget?

abudget based on a single level of output