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Q: What is sugar and oxygen and reactants of what?
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Are reactants in the process of cell respiration.?

sugar & oxygen

What are cellular respiration reactants?

The reactants are the substances that go into cellular respiration. They are glucose (sugar, which is written as C6H12O6) and oxygen (O2).

How many reactants are chemically bonded in the compound for sugar?

Carbon dioxide and water are the reactants in the photosynthesis reaction by which sugar and oxygen are produced in green plants with sun light for endothermic (= needed) energy.

What are the reactants of respiration?

Photosynthesis and respiration go hand in hand. The reactants of respiration are the products of photosynthesis and vice versa.RESPIRATION-reactants: oxygen, glucose(sugar)products: carbon dioxide, water (yes water, just breathe on to your palm and feel your hand), ATP energyPHOTOSYNTHESIS-reactants: carbon dioxide, water, light energyproducts: oxygen, glucose(sugar)The only difference is the kind of energy that is taken in and released,ATP vs. Light

What are the products and reactants of photosynthetic equation?

6CO2 + 6H2O ------(light)-----> C6H1206 + 6O2 Reactants: carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) Products: glucose (sugar) ( C6H1206) and oxygen (O2)

What are the reactants in cellular respiration?

the reactants are glucose and oxygen

What are the ingredients and products of photosynthes?

The reactants (ingredients) of photosynthesis are water, light, and carbon dioxide (CO2). The products are glucose (a simple sugar) and oxygen.

What reactants is necessary for a combustion reaction?

Oxygen apex

How do you get the reactants of charcoal oxygen?

i dont no

What are reactants of cellular respiration?


What are the reactants of water?

hydrogen and oxygen

What are respiration's reactants?
