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Q: What is summer like in France?
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When it's winter in France what is it in Australia?

When it is winter in France, it is summer in Australia.

If it was summer in Canada what season would it be in France?

Since both Canada and France are in the northern hemisphere, their seasons will match. Therefore, if it is summer in Canada, it is summer in France as well.

When is the first day of summer in France?

Summer begins in the month of June in France. It usually runs for about three months in France. This therefore means that summer in France ends in August or early September.

What do you call summer in France?

Summer in France is called "été" in French.

How many saessons in France?

France just like other places around the world has 4 seasons. They are spring, winter, fall and summer. Fall is one of the shortest seasons in France.

During which months is summer in France?

as France is in northern hemisphere so it is summer during June July and august

What is a French Summer called?

the summer in france in known as l'été.

How do you dress in the summer in France?

Like anywhere else, unless you're a girl on the beach, in which case somewhat less

Where were the 1924 Olympics?

Summer: Paris, France Winter: Chamonix, France.

When are the bullfights in arles France?

In Summer

Which year France hosted a summer olympic?

France has hosted 2 Summer Olympic Games, Paris in 1900 and again in 1924.

Does France celebrate Christmas in summer?

No it does not. As France is in the northern hemisphere, the 25th of December is winter in France.