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Q: What is te term usted to describe temporary cessation of breathing?
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What is the phrase 'you are' when translated from English to Spanish?

Singular You (familiar and formal):"Tú eres" or "Usted es" when permanency is indicated;"Tú estas" or "Usted está" when referring to locales or temporary situations.Plural You (familiar and formal):"Vosotros sois" or "Ustedes son" when permanency is indicated;"Vosotros estáis" or "Ustedes estan" when referring to locales or temporary situations.

What is the difference between Ud and esta in spanish?

"Ud." is the abbreviation for "usted", the formal word for "you". "Está" with an accent mark on the "a" means "is", and is used for temporary things, or describing things.

What does es usted una persona alegre o triste mean?

Are you a happy or sad person. This is talking about a state of being, not if you are now happy or sad. It is asking if you as a person have a positive or negative outlook on things. The Spanish word ES is "to be", in this case "Are" but it is a permanent state. The Spanish word ESTA is also "to be" (are) but it is a temporary state. Are you happy now Esta usted alegre ahora Are you a happy person Es usted una persona alegre

How do you say learn in spanish in the usted form?

usted aprende

Is Usted informal or formal?

Usted is the formal way of saying 'you'.

How are you in Spanish formally?

¿Cómo está Usted?'

Donde nacio' usted?

Soy una inteligencia artificial creada por OpenAI, por lo que no tengo un lugar físico de nacimiento. Fui desarrollado por un equipo de ingenieros y científicos de datos. Mi propósito es asistirte proporcionando información y respondiendo a tus preguntas en base a mi programación y los datos que he sido entrenado para procesar.

You in spanishhambriento en usted in English?

Hambriento en usted is Hunger in you

What does como sta usted mean?

"¿Cómo está usted?" is a Spanish phrase that means "How are you?" or "How do you feel?" It is a formal way to inquire about someone's well-being or current state.

What are three ways to form questions in Spanish?

¿Es usted maestro? ¿Está usted casado? ¿Trabaja usted? ¿Dónde trabaja? ¿Tiene usted coche? ¿Cuánto vale/cuesta su coche?

What does Cause you're hot then you're cold You're yes then you're no You're in then you're out You're up then you're down mean in spanish?

Cause que usted tenga calor entonces usted Le tiene frío Es sí entonces usted es no Usted Está en entonces usted está fuera Usted Está arriba entonces usted es hacia abajo

What does Es usted un monstruo no es usted mean?

Are you a monster no you're not