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Q: What is the 3 main religions in Australia?
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What are the main religions in sydney Australia?

Sydney is a city. A city is an object, objects do not have religions.

Is Roman Catholicism evident in Australia?

Yes, Roman Catholicism is viewed as one of the main Australian religions, and has significant effect on the politics of Australia, such as gay marriage rights.

What religions are in Tasmania?

Tasmania is part of Australia, so therefore its main religion is Christianity. However, like the rest of Australia, it is also multicultural, meaning that other religions such as Muslim and Buddhism are also practised by some individuals.

What are the 3 main religions of the Indian perimeter?

Hindu, Islam, and i think Jainism

What is Italy's top 3 main religions?

christianity (catholics ), judaism and islam

What is the main religion in Jerusalem?

There are 3 major religions in Jerusalem : Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

What are India's main religions?

Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Christianity are main religions of India.

What are the 3 main religions in England?

The Roman Catholic church, The church of england, The methodist church

What are Japan's three main religions?

Shintoism, Buddhism,and Confucianism are the three main religions in Japan.

What are the Religions in Singapore?

The Main Religions of Singapore are Buddhism and Islam

How many religions are in australia?

There are numerous religions practiced in Australia due to its multicultural population. The most common include Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Sikhism. Indigenous Australian spiritual beliefs are also followed by some Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Where is the Dell main hub in Australia?

The dell main hub in Australia is located at Building 3/14 Aquatic Drive, Frenchs Forest NSW 2086, Australia. Many items are shipped out of this area.