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Neptune is the fourth largest planet in our solar system.

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10y ago

The sixth smallest is the third largest of the eight. That is Uranus.

You may mean the sixth largest. That's Venus

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16y ago

the sixth largest planet is Venus

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Q: What is the 4th largest planet in space?
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What is the 4th largest planet?


Is mercury the 4 largest planet?

No. Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system. Neptune is the 4th largest planet.

Is Neptune the 1 2 3 or 4 largest planet?

Neptune is the 4th largest planet

Is Saturn the 4th largest planet?

No. Saturn is the second largest planet. Neptune comes in fourth place.

What is the third largest planet in space?

Uranus is the third largest planet in the solar system.

Is neptune the 4th or 5th largest planet?

It is fourth largest by volume but third by mass.

What planet is the 4th largest in solar system?

Neptune is the 4th largest planet in our solar system

Do the largest planets have the largest densities?

No, size does not go with density. The Earth is the most dense planet in the solar system, but it is the 4th smallest planet.

Is earth the largest 2nd largest 3rd largest or smallest?

None of the above. Earth is the 4th smallest planet.

Is Uranus the second largest?

No, Uranus is not the 2nd largest planet but the third largest planet. Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system after Jupiter. Uranus is 3rd largest by diameter, but 4th most massive. (Neptune is slightly smaller but denser than Uranus.)

Is Pluto the fourth largest planet in space?

No. It is not even considered a planet now. All of the traditional planets are bigger than it. Neptune is the fourth largest of the planets.

Is earth the 4th largest planet?

It all depends. If compare it to the size of us then it is huge but in space it would be considered tiny. Jupiter is 500 times its size. The Sun is 500 times Jupiter's size and a red Giant is the size of 500 Suns. So it would not huge or even medium in space and not even the sun would be considered large!