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Q: What is the Arabic name for the clapper rail bird?
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Why do clapper rail look like it do?

go to bell ontop of school and press use clapper bell

Is clapper rail an omnivore?

The Clapper Rails is a carnivore, eating crustaceans, aquatic insects, and small fish.

What eats a clapper rail?

largeer birds and mamals

What is a Zapata rail?

A Zapata rail is a bird from the family Rallidae, with the Latin name Cyanolimnas cerverai.

4 letter bird name ending with l?


What is a bar-winged rail?

A bar-winged rail is an extinct bird, Latin name Nesoclopeus poecilopterus, which was once endemic to Fiji.

What is the average lifespan of the California Clapper Rail?

The California Clapper is recognized as a federally endangered species. It is being saved by different wildlife groups and has an average lifespan of around 3 years.

What do clapper rail eat?

alot such as crabs snails worms and dead fish

What is a animal that's name ends with ail?

quail or snail.... take your pick

What is tikling bird in English?

In the Philippines, the bird that locals called "tikling" is a barred rail (Gallirallus torquatus).

As skinny as a?

Rail; bird; mouse

How much amount of indanrupees equals one rail?

The answer depends on what kind of rail you are interested in: a train rail, a curtain rail, or a kind of marsh bird.