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There are no reliable statistics on the number of assassins per country.

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Q: What is the Country with most assassins?
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What were the motives of Julius Caesar assassins?

Julius Caesar's assassins acted to save the republic and to preserve the republican form of government.Julius Caesar's assassins acted to save the republic and to preserve the republican form of government.Julius Caesar's assassins acted to save the republic and to preserve the republican form of government.Julius Caesar's assassins acted to save the republic and to preserve the republican form of government.Julius Caesar's assassins acted to save the republic and to preserve the republican form of government.Julius Caesar's assassins acted to save the republic and to preserve the republican form of government.Julius Caesar's assassins acted to save the republic and to preserve the republican form of government.Julius Caesar's assassins acted to save the republic and to preserve the republican form of government.Julius Caesar's assassins acted to save the republic and to preserve the republican form of government.

Who won the battle between assassains and templars?

The Assassins were brave fighters, but they feared the reputation of the Knights Templar. The Assassins gave much money to the Templars in return of safety. In the battle at Sakira, when 5000 Saracens were attacking 400 Assassins, the last ones got saved by 100 Knights Templar. Some legends even tell that Assassins and Templars were friends and the Assassins were Christian.

What African country has the most oil?

Nigeria is the African country with the most crude oil

Where there an Assassin Order in ancient history?

Yes, but it didn`t start forming in Rome it actually started in India. In India one of the rulers wanted to kill another ruler befor a war broke out. So he ordered the development of a gruop of assassins to do the dirty work for him. Some of the assassins left the country and started teaching the art in which the assassins trained in throughout the mediterranian region. After 40 years the influence of the assassins died out and it was forgoten. But one assassin that was still alive started to form his own city on the top of a mtn. and his army was made up of only assassins. Over 200 years past until a Italian family that lived in Florence formed a secret organization in which to over throw(kill) dictators.The family had a son who`s dad trained him to be an assassin. When he was 29 he fled to Rome for the safety of his family and eventually started an assassin order there.

When was the Altair built?

Altair is the dude in Assassins Creed

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Depends on your console and country.

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The most assassin signals you can have in Brotherhood is 12.

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I think the most new game of assassins creed is "Assasins Creed: Brotherhood"

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Will there be anther Assassins Creed?

yes, most likely as it is left on a cliffhanger

Are there trophys for Assassins Creed?

For Assassins Creed 1 No, for Assassins Creed 2 yes.

Can ezio call his assassins in Assassins Creed 2?

No, they introduced your Brotherhood in Assassins Creed: Brotherhood.

Can you get the assassins crossbow in Assassins Creed?

Only on ACB (Assassins Creed Brotherhood) you can also get in revelations