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At what temperature does condensation nuclei form in relation to the ambient temperature as induced by the addition of cold particulates (ice),

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Q: What is the Dew point experiment hypothesis?
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Why is it not a bad thing if your hypothesis is rejected?

you learn from the experiment. that's the point of the experiment

In science can a hypothesis be accepted as true after one test?

Yes, that is the entire point of an experiment. To validate or discard a hypothesis.

What is learned if the data from an experiment do not support the hypothosis?

It could point to that the hypothesis was wrong.

What is tested in an experiment?

A hypothesis is tested by an experiment. A hypothesis is an estimate or guess about an outcome. The experiment proves whether the hypothesis is correct or not correct.

Should the hypothesis be supported or rejected based on the experiment?

That depends on the result of the experiment. The experiment is a way to test a hypothesis, and it's completely fine if the experiment disproves the hypothesis. Ideally, though, the experiment will support the hypothesis.

What tests your hypothesis?

By conducting your experiment, the result of that experiment either agrees with your hypothesis or disagrees your hypothesis.

What is the point in writing a hypothesis?

Writing out a hypothesis gives a window to whoever is reading the Scientific Report as to what variables are believed to be correlated and what the experiment will be testing.

How did your experiment prove or disprove the hypothesis?

That depends on the result of the experiment. The experiment is a way to test a hypothesis, and it's completely fine if the experiment disproves the hypothesis. Ideally, though, the experiment will support the hypothesis.

What do you do after you formed a hypothesis?

test your hypothesis.

How are a hypothesis a prediction and an experiment relate?

A hypothesis and predicition r kinda alike and the experiment is the testing of the hypothesis and prediction

How are a hypothesis a prediction and experiment related?

A hypothesis and predicition r kinda alike and the experiment is the testing of the hypothesis and prediction

Does a hypothesis sum up what was learned from an experiment?

No, the hypothesis is the question about the experiment. The conclusion is the sum up of what was learned from an experiment.