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Workers compensation is considered a sole remedy for first party injuries occurring at work. WC pays for the employees hospital bills and indemnity (payroll while off work). This is designed so the employee does not have to sue the employer to have bills paid. This also precludes the employee from being able to sue the employer. The employer can however be sued by the spouse or children due to the injured worker no longer being able to perform certain duties as a parent or husband. Employers Liabilityis a coverage for employers (in non-Monopolistic states called stop Gap) which covers them for lawsuits by family members or significant others who make claims against the employer for loss of consortium or other such claims in which the injured worker will no longer be capable of performing due to that specific injury. Fortunately, these are very hard to prove. Kevin Mershimer, CIC, CSP, OHST

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15y ago

This explanation is as far as my understanding goes. Please feel free to add to this one. I have 2 points that I think differentiates the two. (1) In Workers compensation, it is sufficient if the Worker has sustained an injury because of work or on the work premises. Coverage exists irrespective of who was at fault. In Employer's liability, the worker needs to prove that the injury resulted from the employer's negligence. The employee or family member (or dependent) needs to prove that a duty was owned to them and that it was breached; an injury occured and the breach was the closest cause for the occurence. (2)The limits in WC are set by the state statutes. The limits in EL are specified. In short, EL bridges the gap between WC and general liability.

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14y ago

* Alternative accident and health policies/Group Life contain dollar limits and time limits. If expenses exceed the limit, the employer may be responsible for the excess. Workers Compensation policies cover all related medical expenses even if an expense occurs years after the accident. * Alternative health and accident policies/Group Life contain limits on lost-income benefits. Again, if the employee´s expenses exceed policy limits, the employer may be responsible. * The injured worker may still be able to sue the employer for damages even if a claim is covered under an alternative health and accident policy.

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15y ago

There are several differences, yet primarily: Workers' Comp covers work-related injuries, includes compensation for some permanent injuries, time off work and may pay to retrain a worker if he can't return to his old insurance, while health insurance pays medical benefits only but the illness or injury does not have to be work-related.

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13y ago

Unemployment is available to folks who lost their last job through no fault of their own, and are actively seeking new employment.

Workers comp is a social insurance that pays the medical bills of folks injured on the job, and pays lost time benefits if one misses work due to injury.

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12y ago

Group insurance business growing faster than individual business

Group business is socially very relevant

Group policies give employees better benefits than legally required.

Group insurance policies can be tailor made to suit specific need.

In group policies, personal histories are not examined.

In group policies, the chance of adverse selection is low.

In group policies, each case is separately unwritten.

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