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Q: What is the Difference in lung volume between men and women?
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Can a man's lungs hold more are than a women's lungs?

Lung capacity is a physical difference in the volume of the lungs. Lung capacity depends on how much air can fill the lungs. A man's lung capacity is larger than a woman's lung capacity.

Is there a difference in lung volume between females and males?

Yes. ---- The main differences in lung volumes are related more to the size differences between the average man and woman and thoracic cavity dimensions. If a man and a woman have similar size, stature, and thoracic dimensions, there should be little difference in their lung volumes.

Do men have more lungs than women?

There are only two lungs for both men and women. == I think you mean lung volume or capacity -- meaning how much air can be inhaled. Men have a larger lung capacity than women.

What is the volume of the human lung?

The volume of gas contained within the lungs at the end of a maximum inspiration.

Is there a difference between the function of the Right lung and the left lung?

no they both do the same thing pump oxygen into your bloodstream

What is the difference between deaths from lung cancer and deaths from prostate cancer?

lung cancer is in the lungs, prostate cancer is in the prostate.

What is the equation to measure lung volume?

No equation is possible, lung volume is measured by a machine in to which you breath.

What does total lung capacity equals?

Total lung volume equals Vital Capacity + Residual Volume.

Is there a difference in a spot on the lung or in the lung?


What is the relationship between lung problems and tuberous sclerosis?

Lung problems are a part of TS, and affect women more often. Lymphangioleimyomas of the lung are common and affect about 1-4% of people with TS by interfering with normal lung function.

What is the difference between alveolus of the lung and the bronchus of the lung?

The bronchus of a lung is the tubes leading up to the alveolus of the lung. The alveolus of a lung is the small air sacs at the end of the bronchi (bronchus). The alveoli is where the gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place.

What is the difference between Tabacco and Marijuana?

One gives you lung cancer and the other gives you schizophrenia