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Division or section is the English meaning of the Latin root 'temp-'. From this root come the Latin noun 'tempus' for time, and the English noun 'temperature'. The Latin nouns 'tempus' and 'templum', which means 'a section, a part cut off', are related to the Greek word 'temenos'. But only the Latin language, not the Greek, is the source for the root 'temp-'.

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12h ago

The Greek root 'temp-' in English usually refers to time, as seen in words like temporary or contemporary. It can also refer to a temple in words like temple or contemplate.

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Q: What is the Greek or Latin root 'temp-' in English?
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What doe the root temp mean?

what does the root word temp mean

What words have the root word 'therm'?

Words that have the root 'temp' are tempo, temporal, and temporary. The root 'temp' is derived from the Latin word 'tempus', which means time. Although there are many other words that contain 'temp' like temple and temper, they are not words that have this root because their meanings have nothing to do with time.

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What is the Latin word for time?

The Latin word for time is "tempus." Words like temporary and temporal are English derivatives of this word.Also:aevus is a masculine Latin noun meaning "passage of time"aevum is a neuter Latin noun meaning "passage of time"hora is a feminine Latin noun meaning "hour; time; season"tempastas is a feminine noun meaning "season, time; weather, or storm"

What are some words that contain the root 'temp'?

Tempus-Time Tempor-TimeTemporary: For a limited amount of time. (English)Temporize: to delay in making a decision so as to gain time. (English)Temporal: Lasting for only a certain amount of time. (English)Contretemps: Bad times. (French)Tempo: The amount of time in a music piece. (Italian)Extempore: Out of time. In the spur of the moment. (Latin)Contemporarius: Of time. One who lives like their time. (Latin)Tempestas: Period of bad weather. (Latin)Temps: Time. (French)Tiempo: Time. (Spanish)Tempus: Time. (Latin)Tempor: Time. (Latin)Temporality: Being limited by time. (English)Temporarily: For the time being. (English)Contemporary: Those who live at the same time. (English)Contemporaneous: Happening at the same time. (English)Atemporal: Independent of or unaffected by time. (English)Contemplate: To think or focus on something for a respectful period of time. (English)Spatiotemporal: Relating to space and time. (English)

What is the root word temp mean?

my friend doesen't know

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This program is to implement a binary search tree in c++#includeusingnamespace std;structnode{intdata;node *left, *right;node( intd = 0, node *l = NULL, node *r = NULL): data(d), left(l), right(r){}};classtree{public:node *root;tree(){root = NULL;}voidinorder(){coutdata;remove(min->data, temp->right);}else{node *curr = temp;if( !temp->left)temp = temp->right;elsetemp = temp->left;deletecurr;}}};intmain(){intchoice, data;tree obj;do{coutchoice;switch(choice){case1:coutdata;obj.insert(data);break;case2:coutdata;obj.remove(data);break;case3:obj.inorder();break;case4:obj.preorder();break;case5:obj.postorder();break;case6: break;}}while( choice != 6);return0;}

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#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #define MAX 30 typedef struct ETREE { struct ETREE *lc; char data; struct ETREE *rc; }etree; typedef struct STACK { etree *ST[MAX]; int top; }stack; void initialize_stack(stack *sp) { sp->top = -1; } int isstackempty(int top) { if(top MAX - 1) return(1); else return(0); } void push(stack *sp,etree *x) { if(!isstackfull(sp->top)) { sp->top = sp->top + 1; sp->ST[sp->top] = x; } else printf("\n\nStack full!!"); } etree *pop(stack *sp) { etree *x; if(!isstackempty(sp->top)) { x = sp->ST[sp->top]; sp->top = sp->top - 1; return(x); } else return(NULL); } etree *getnode(char d) { etree *node; node = (etree *)malloc(sizeof(etree)); node->lc = NULL; node->data = d; node->rc = NULL; return(node); } etree *construct_etree_from_postfix_exp(char pos[]) { int i; stack s; etree *root = NULL,*node; initialize_stack(&s); for(i=0;pos[i] != '\0';i++) { node = getnode(pos[i]); if(isalpha(pos[i])) { push(&s,node); } else //operator { node->rc = pop(&s); node->lc = pop(&s); push(&s,node); } } root = pop(&s); return(root); } void inorder(etree *temp) { if(temp!= NULL) { inorder(temp->lc); printf("%c",temp->data); inorder(temp->rc); } } void preorder(etree *temp) { if(temp!= NULL) { printf("%c",temp->data); preorder(temp->lc); preorder(temp->rc); } } void postorder(etree *temp) { if(temp!= NULL) { postorder(temp->lc); postorder(temp->rc); printf("%c",temp->data); } } void inorder_nonrec(etree *root) { stack s; etree *temp; temp = root; initialize_stack(&s); while(temp!=NULL!= -1) { while(temp!=NULL) { push(&s,temp); temp = temp->lc; } temp = pop(&s); printf("%c",temp->data); temp = temp->rc; } } void preorder_nonrec(etree *root) { stack s; etree *temp; temp = root; initialize_stack(&s); while(temp!=NULL!= -1) { while(temp!=NULL) { printf("%c",temp->data); push(&s,temp); temp = temp->lc; } temp = pop(&s); temp = temp->rc; } } void postorder_nonrec(etree *root) { stack s; etree *temp; int i,k=0; char A[30]; temp = root; initialize_stack(&s); while(temp!=NULL!= -1) { while(temp!=NULL) { A[k++] = temp->data; push(&s,temp); temp = temp->rc; } temp = pop(&s); temp = temp->lc; } for(i=k-1;i>=0;i--) { printf("%c",A[i]); } } void main() { char pos[30]; etree *root = NULL; int ch; do { clrscr(); printf("\n Choice 1: Create Etree from postfix expression "); printf("\n Choice 2: Recursive inorder,preorder & postorder traversal"); printf("\n Choice 3: Nonrecursive inorder,preorder & postorder traversal"); printf("\n Choice 4: exit "); printf("\n Enter your choice: "); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: printf("\n\nEnter the postfix expression : "); scanf("%s",pos); root = construct_etree_from_postfix_exp(pos); printf("\n\nExpression tree created successfully !!"); break; case 2: printf("\n Inorder traversal is : "); inorder(root); printf("\n preorder traversal is : "); preorder(root); printf("\n postorder traversal is : "); postorder(root); getch(); break; case 3: printf("\n Inorder traversal (nonrecursive) : "); inorder_nonrec(root); printf("\n Preorder traversal (nonrecursive) : "); preorder_nonrec(root); printf("\n Postorder traversal (nonrecursive) : "); postorder_nonrec(root); getch(); break; case 4: printf("\n \t**End of program** \n \t\tThank you\n"); break; default:printf("\n invalid choice try again!!!!"); } getch(); }while(ch!=4); } Written by: Fabianski Benjamin

What are some words containing the Greek or Latin root temp meaning time?

Temp(or)- is Latin, from tempus "time". Temporal, temporary, tempest (ultimately from tempus "season"), contemporaneous, contemporary, etc. etc.No matching link found.No matching link found.No matching link found.No matching link found.No matching link found.No matching link found.No matching link found.No matching link found.No matching link found.No matching link found.No matching link found.No matching link found.No matching link found.No matching link found.No matching link found.No matching link found.

What does temp us fugit mean in English?

time flies

Is pro temp hyphenated?

No. The full title is president pro tempore, which is Latin and means "for the time being".