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"Γαλαξίας" (galakseeas)

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Q: What is the Greek word for galaxy?
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What language does the word galaxy originate from?

The Galaxy, or Milky Way, is from the the Greek word for milk. The word galaxy is Greek and means 'milky circle' aka Milky Way.

The English word galaxy comes from a greek word what is the greek wordd and what does it mean?

galaxy in greek is "γαλαξιας"(ghalaxias) and it means the same as in english.

What is the origin of the word galaxy?

It comes from the Greek word for milk, Γάλα. ANSWER: Galaxy comes from the Greek word, 'gala,' meaning 'milk'. Galaxy means "milky," which is what the star clusters appear to look like.

What does the roman word galaxy mean?

The word galaxy is derived from Greek , not Latin. The Greeks used the word galaxias (milky one), or galaktikos (milky) orkyklos (circle) because it looks like a lighter colored band in the sky.

Who identified the Milky Way galaxy?


Can you give me a sentence using the word galaxy?

I can give you a sentence using the word galaxy.

What is another word for galaxy?

another word for galaxy is milky way

Why is your galaxy called the milk way?

The Greek word Galaxy is "milk". The name Milky Way Galaxy is derived from the way intra-galaxy dust and clouds appear as they stream across the night sky.

Is Jackson Galaxy Greek?

No, he is of Hungarian Jewish heritage.

What is the Spanish word for galaxy?

Galaxy = la galaxia

Which term is evidence that the galaxy is still expanding?

There is no evidence that our GALAXY is expanding. Are you confusing the word galaxy with the word universe - if so they are NOT the same thing.

Which Galaxy's namesake was hunted by the Craken in Greek mythology?
