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Arba (ארבע), which is also written the same as in English: "4"
"Arba" (ארבע).

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4 letter hebrew word for beginning:תְחִלָה (pronounced techilah but spelled with 4 letters in Hebrew)

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What do the four Hebrew letters mean on the gamma phi beta badge?

On the Gamma Phi Beta Website, under "our symbols," one of the symbols has the Hebrew word "ארבע" on it. This is the Hebrew word for "four". This represents the four founders of the sorority. The Hebrew alphabet letters, from right to left, ALEPH DALET VET AYIN. The non-Latin characters in the mark transliterate to "ARBA" and this means "FOUR" in English.

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There is no Hebrew word for tetragrammaton. This is a Greek word for the four consonants that make up the Hebrew name of God. In Hebrew, the four consonants are used instead of the word "tetragrammaton." Religious Jews don't even pronounce the names of the letters together, and will refer to the letters as Yod Ke Vav Ke. Instead of the real names for the letters.

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It is a sorority secret known only to initiated sistersReal AnswerActually, see related links. It's no secret. It is the Hebrew word ארבע (arba) which means "four".

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There is no Hebrew word for "an." There is no indefinite article in Hebrew.

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Calalini is not a Hebrew word and has no meaning in Hebrew.

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There is no Hebrew word Jehovah. This is a Christianized version of the four consonants of God's true name. See Tetragrammaton for more information.Most (but not all) words referring to God in Hebrew are masculine, but this is largely due to the grammar of Hebrew. In Judaism, God is not literally considered a male with male reproductive functions.

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What does the word diestra mean in Hebrew?

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