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Greek = Anthropótita (Ανθρωπότητα)Hebrew = Adam (אדם)

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man and woman = איש ואישה , pronounced eesh ve'eeshah

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Q: What is the Hebrew word for man and woman?
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What does the word woman mean in the Holy Bible?

The Hebrew word for woman is ish-shah', which lliterally means a "female man" and implies that 'woman was taken from man' (Genesis 2:22-23)

What is the Hebrew word for have faith?

to a woman: she-tehyeh lach emunah to a man: she tehyeh lecha emunah

What is the Hebrew word for you are beautiful?

to a man: atah yafeh (אתה יפה) to a woman: at yafah (את יפה)

What is the Hebrew meaning for man and woman?

A man - "Gever" (גבר). A woman - "Isha" (אישה).

What is an in depth meaning of ee SHAH in Hebrew?

eeshah (אשה) is the Hebrew word for woman. It's simply the word for man (eesh, איש) with the femine suffix -ah (־ה) attached. The word can also be translated as wife.

What is the Hebrew word for woman?

Woman = eesha (אשה)Women = Nasheem (נשים)"Woman" in Hebrew is "ee-SHAH" - אישה.

Do you want to be my valentine in Hebrew?

There is no Hebrew word for Valentine, but you could say: "Do you want to be my love" to a man: atah rotseh lihyot ahuvi to a woman at rotsah lihyot ahuvati

What are the Hebrew words for woman and man?

Woman = eeshah (אישה) Man = eesh (איש)

What language does the root word Woman come from?

It means " from man." Notice the "man" in "woman." Eve was made from Adam, so "woman" means "from man." 23And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Woman is the English translation of the Hebrew word transliterated as 'Ishah' meaning woman and it is derived from the Hebrew word for man - 'Ish'.

What is the Hebrew word for woman's?

the possessive form in Hebrew is just the word shel (של) which means "of". woman's ( or 'of woman') = shel eeshah (של אישה)

How do you say 'You are the light' in Hebrew?

to a man: atah ha-or. to a woman: at ha-or.

How do you say 'you are my world' in Hebrew?

to a man: ata olami to a woman: at olami