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Hello, Most beautiful is an Italian equivalent of 'Ciao, Bellissima'. In the word by word translation, the interjection 'ciao' means 'hello' and 'goodbye'. The feminine adjective 'bellissima' is formed from the adjective 'bella' and the suffix '-issima'. It means 'extremely beautiful. most beautiful, very most beautiful'. It's pronounced 'chow behl-LEES-see-mah'.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 14y ago

Hello, My beautiful [one] is an English equivalent of 'Ciao, Mia bella'. The interjection 'ciao' means 'hello' and 'goodbye'. The feminine possessive 'mia' means 'my'. The feminine adjective 'bella' means 'beautiful, handsome'. All together, they're pronounced 'chow* MEE-ah BEHL-lah'.

That's what's said to a 'beautiful' female. It's 'Ciao, Mio bello' to a 'beautiful' or 'handsome' male. It's pronounced 'chow MEE-oh BEHL-loh'.

*The sound 'ow' is similar to the sound in the English adverb 'how'.

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โˆ™ 14y ago

Hello, Beauty [of] ours is an English equivalent of 'Ciao, Bella nostra'. The interjection 'ciao' means 'hello' and 'goodbye'. The feminine adjective 'bella' means 'beautiful, handsome'. The feminine possessive 'nostra'means 'our'. All together, they're pronounced 'chow* BEHL-lah NOH-strah'.

That's what's said to a 'beautiful' female. For a 'beautiful' or 'handsome' male, it becomes 'Ciao, Bello nostro'. It's pronounced 'chow* BEHL-loh NOH-stroh'.

*The sound 'ow' is similar to the sound in the English adverb 'how'.

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