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"Flower" is an English equivalent of the Italian word fiore.

Specifically, the Italian word is a masculine noun that means "bloom, blossom, flower." Its singular definite article ilmeans "the." Its singular indefinite article un, unomeans "a, one."

The pronunciation is "FYOH-reh."

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8y ago

"Little flower" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase piccolo fiore. The masculine singular adjective and noun also translate into English as "small blossom (blossom)." The pronunciaiton will be "PEEK-ko-lo FYO-rey" in Italian.

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13y ago

"Of or relating to flower(s)" is an English equivalent of "Di Fiore."

Specifically, the preposition "di" means "of, from." The masculine noun "fiore" means "flower." The pronunciation is "dee FYOH-reh."

Why that particular phrase becomes a last name may depend upon the region in which the particular family lives. If a family does not know the original home region, all is not lost. A genealogical map of Italy identifies the regions where a particular last name most often is found.

The name may reflect the family's association with Flower Gardening, arranging or marketing. Or in the regions in which the French influence was historically strong, such as in the northwest and the south-southeast - it may be a reference to the "fleur-de-lys" of France. Or it may not even be the family's original name. For example, in the way of an example from Another Country, in parts of Spain and in the settlement of Portugal, Jewish settlers took as last names words reflective of nature and wildlife.

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13y ago

"1,000 flowers" is an English equivalent of "Millefiori."

Specifically, the Italian count noun/adjective "mille" means "1,000." The masculine noun "fiori" means "flowers." The pronunciation is "MEEL-leh FYOH-ree."

The phrase may be found in a number of Italian cultural contexts. One is as a last name. Another is as the designation of a beautiful, colorful style of glasswork. Heated glass rods produce a mosaic bead pattern that gives the appearance of many, many cheery flowers.

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8y ago

Fiore in Italian means "flower" in English.

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