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"Lots of kisses, my friend" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Tanti baci, amica mia.

Specifically, the masculine plural adjective tanti is "lots, so many". The masculine noun baci means "kisses". The feminine noun amica means "friend". The feminine possessive adjective mia translates as "my".

The pronunciation will be "TAHN-tee BAH-tchee ah-MEE-kah MEE-ah" in Italian.

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'So many hugs and kisses' is a literal English equivalent of 'Tanti abbracci e baci'. Less literally, the phrase means 'lots of hugs and kisses'. Either way, the phrase is pronounced 'TAHN-tee ahb-BRAHTCH-chee eh BACH-tchee'.

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11y ago

"Lots and lots of kisses and lots of tight embraces with lots of heartbeats in love!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Tantissimi baci e tanti forti abbracci con tanti palpiti del cuore in amore!

Specifically, the masculine adjective tantissimi is "lots and lots, so very many". The masculine noun baci means "kisses". The conjunction e means "and". The masculine adjective tanti means "lots, so many". The masculine adjective forti means "powerful, strong, tight". The masculine noun abbracci means "embraces, hugs". The preposition con means "with". The masculine noun palpiti means "beats". The word del means "of the", from the combination of the preposition di ("of") with the masculine singular definite article il ("the"). The masculine noun cuore means "heart". The preposition in means the same in English and Italian. The masculine noun amore translates as "love".

The pronunciation will be "tahn-TEES-see-mee BAH-tchee ey TAHN-tee FOHR-tee ahb-BRAHT-tchee kohn TAHN-tee pahl-PEE-tee dehl KWOH-rey ee-nah-MOH-rey" in Italian.

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Q: What is the English translation of the Italian phrase 'Tanti baci amica mia'?
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