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Q: What is the Last name of every towns person in 'Blazing Saddles'?
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Are there any cities in US?

There is a Springfield in every state.

Does every county in England have a capital?

Counties do not have capitals. Every county council has its headquarters and counties have recognized county towns.

Is nebraska rural urban or suburban?

Every thing... we have big cities and small towns.

What are the ten biggest towns in England?

"London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield, Bristol" -Previous person Just to say, those aren't towns.

What country has a bullfight arenas in almost every city?

Most larger towns in both Spain and Mexico have bullrings.

On HorseIsle where can you find a wild horse?

Horses can be found in every terrain outside of towns and not on Cloud isle.

Does every town have a tornado alarm?

Not every town has a specific tornado alarm system. Some towns may use sirens or other alert systems, while others rely on weather radios, smartphones, or other communication methods to warn residents of tornadoes. It varies by location and resources available.

What country has bullfights in almost every city?

Both Spain and Mexico have bullfights in most major cities and towns.

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1845, settlers towns named for an early settler or famous person?

How do you get the radio to move Snorlax?

Lavander towns' radio station. There is a person in there that will give you the radio expansion card

How many city corporations are in BD?

Every Divisional Head quarter district has City corporations, other towns have municipality

Is there any town in Luxembourg?

Yes, there are lots of towns in Luxembourg.Yes, there are lots of towns in Luxembourg.Yes, there are lots of towns in Luxembourg.Yes, there are lots of towns in Luxembourg.Yes, there are lots of towns in Luxembourg.Yes, there are lots of towns in Luxembourg.Yes, there are lots of towns in Luxembourg.Yes, there are lots of towns in Luxembourg.Yes, there are lots of towns in Luxembourg.Yes, there are lots of towns in Luxembourg.Yes, there are lots of towns in Luxembourg.