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Q: What is the Latin root for bend?
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Is ang a greek or latin root word?

"Ang" is not a Greek or Latin root word. It does not have roots in these classical languages; instead, it may be a prefix, suffix, or root in other languages.

What does flex mean in Latin?

"Flex" in Latin can mean "bend" or "to curve." It is often used in words related to flexibility or bending, such as "flexibilis" meaning flexible.

What are words that have the root word clin?

The Latin root 'clin' means to 'lean, bend; incline.' English words with this root include incline, inclination, proclivity, declivity, acclivity.

What is the root word in torque?

The root of the word "torque" is "torqueo, torquere." It is of Latin origin and means "to twist, to bend, to turn around."

What is the meaning of the root flec?

Providing some examples of words containing this root would help. It's probably a variant on a word meaning "to bend": this is the case in "inflection", "genuflect", and "reflect".

What does the Greek root flex mean?

It isn't Greek. Flex actually comes from the Latin word for 'bent.'

What words have the root clin?

Some words with the root "clin" include clinical, clinic, and clinician. The root "clin" comes from the Latin word "clinare," meaning to lean or bend.

Is the root Struct Latin or Greek?

The root "Struct" is Latin in origin. It comes from the Latin word "structura," meaning "a building or structure."

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What is the latin root for flexible?

The latin root for flexible is flex.

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