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The Presbyterians have no restrictions on eating meat or pork. Certain religions have restrictions on what one can eat, but Protestant denominations are not known for this.

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Q: What is the Presbyterian doctrine on eating meat or pork?
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Liver flukes can be caused by eating undercooked pork products. Undercooked pork contains a bacteria that can cause liver flukes.

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Swine flu cannot be spread by eating properly prepared pork.

What type of meat is pork?

Pork IS a type of meat.

Can muslims work in a place where is pork everywhere?

Yes, if there is necessity and/or requirement. However, he/she is forbidden from eating its meat.

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no. im a veggie and i havent eaten pork or any meat in 5 years.

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What is a meat?

chicken, turkey, pork. pork is red meat