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Q: What is the Reduction in volume of a substance due to pressure?
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If you move a substance from one container to another and its volume changes the substance is a what?

This is a gas, due to it not actually having a definite volume.

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Arteriosclerosis increases blood pressure due to a reduction of compliance in the arterial tree.

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thermal expansion

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when water is added to the cement,cement volume decreases due to removal of air from cement particles. this reduction in cement volume is the bulkage

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thermal expansion

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What happens to the volume of your chest cavity when you enhale?

The volume of the chest increases due to the decrease in pressure in the lungs.

As the temperature of a substance increases its volume tends to increasein temperature?

Due of Charles' Law

What is thermal expanison?

Thermal Expansion is the increase in volume of a substance due to an increase in temperature.

When a substance is heated what happens in mass volume and weight?

Both the mass and weight remain unchanged. However; generally; the volume increases due to the thermal expansion of the substance when heated up.

Why does the relationship between pressure and volume exist?

Pressure is due to the bombardment of molecules on the walls of the container. So when the volume is reduced then naturally the surface area will be reduced. Pressure is the force measured per unit area. Hence reducing volume would bring a decrease in its surface area and so the pressure increases. So volume and pressure are getting related.

Proteins given intravenously would raise a patient's blood volume and pressure?

Proteins given intravenously would raise a patient's blood volume and pressure. This is mainly due to the fact that solutes have the same osmotic pressure.