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1.086 J/Deg C/g (pure Aluminium) - this does not change up to 2400 Deg C

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 3w ago

The specific heat capacity of molten aluminum at 740Β°C is approximately 0.89 J/gΒ°C. This value is specific to the temperature and state of the aluminum being molten.

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Q: What is the Specific heat capacity of molten aluminum at 740 degree C?
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What is the viscosity of molten aluminum?

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What equipment is used to get aluminum?

Aluminum is extracted from its ores using molten salt electrolysis.

Is aluminum mined?

bauxite is mined. it is then melted and aluminum is extracted by high temperature electrolysis of the molten bauxite.

What method is used for extracting aluminium?

Aluminum is produced from its ores (e.g. bauxite) by electrolysis of the molten aluminum salts.

What is the equation for molten aluminum chloride is electrolyzed?

The electrolysis of molten aluminum chloride involves the migration of Al3+ and Cl- ions to the respective electrodes. At the cathode, aluminum ions are reduced to form aluminum metal, while at the anode, chloride ions are oxidized to form chlorine gas. The overall reaction can be represented as 2Al3+ + 6e- -> 2Al (reduction at cathode) and 2Cl- -> Cl2 + 2e- (oxidation at anode).

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Pressure injection of molten aluminum into molds.

Why alumina is electrolysed in molten state?

Alumina is electrolyzed in its molten state because at high temperatures, alumina (Alβ‚‚O₃) melts and becomes a good conductor of electricity. This allows the electric current to flow through the molten alumina to facilitate the electrolysis process, which separates aluminum from oxygen.

Which metals are extracted by electrolysis of their molten salts?

Aluminum and magnesium are the two metals in greatest volume that are produced by electrolyzing their molten salts.

Why aluminum higher in Earth's crust?

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What is aluminum dross?

Aluminum dross is a mass of solid impurities floating on a molten metal. As aluminum metal melting point is 660℃, which is low-melting-point, so it will be formed on the surface in aluminum melting or alloys by oxidation of the aluminum.

How is aluminum separate from other materials found with it?

Primarily by electrolysis of molten bauxite ore.

What is Halls process?

The Hall process is a method of extracting aluminum from its ore using electrolysis. It involves passing an electric current through a molten mixture of alumina and cryolite to separate out the aluminum metal. This process revolutionized the aluminum industry by making large-scale production of the metal economically viable.