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"engineering" or "genetic engineering"

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Q: What is the ability to introduce new genes into an organism?
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The ability to introduce new genes into an organism?


What is used to insert new genes into plant cells?

Several factors play into introducing new genes into a cell. Plasmids act as a vector to introduce new genes into a cell.

New heritable characteristics can result from?

mutations of genes in an organism's sex cells & new combinations of existing genes during sexual reproduction.

What advantage does crossing over provide to new organisms?

When breeders cross over new organism they are increasing the organism's chances of getting great survival genes. Breeders typically cross breed organisms with the best genes.

What is likely to happen if a new organism feeds off a mice is introduce?

i love my women in pantyhoses.

What function do genes serve for living organisms?

Well, think about it think about your genes. Do they help you with survival or the way of life? Think about which genes you think are dominant in you. So all the genes that were dominant in the organism would help it with survival. Such as mating its dominant genes would eventually create a new subspecies of organism.

Why is important for egg and sperm cells to join in fertilization?

In sexual reproduction, an organism get half of it's genes from it mother and half from the father. Without the genes from both the egg and sperm, the genome of the new organism would be incomplete.

Explain how the inheritance of traits is controlled in organisms?

The inheritance of traits is controlled in organisms by genes. These genes come from either one or two parents. The alleles determine what traits are dominant or recessive in the new organism.

A whole new organism can grow from just a piece of the parent in animals that have the ability to?

A whole new organism can grow from just one piece of the parent in animals that have the ability to asexually reproduce. This is reproduction with one parent.

What promotional partner did Sega team up with to introduce Sonics new rail grinding ability?

Sonic Team

What species depends on its ability to produce new members?

All species of organism depend on their ability to produce new members. Without reproduction, the species would die out.

How has DNA technology allowed science to examine modify and identify genes and their functions in genetic engineering?

DNA technology has allowed scientists to identify what specific genes do and insert those genes into other organisms to create a new trait in the organism it is inserted in.