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Q: What is the accent mark for bano?
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i take spanish class so you can trust me on this: door = puerta bathroom = bano with an accent mark over the n door in the bathroom would be: puerta en el bano( accent mark over n_

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el bano (the n has an accent above it so its pronounced "el bon-yo"

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there is no accent mark on the word formidable

What do you call the punctuation mark used in French spelling?

The accent mark over this letter é is an acute accent. The accent mark over this letter è is a grave accent. The accent mark over this letter ê is a circumflex accent. The mark under this letter ç is a cedilla.

Is there an accent mark in the name Pepe?

No, the name Pepe does not have an accent mark.

Does the word comprare have an accent mark?

No, the word "comprare" does not have an accent mark.

Does television have an accent mark in spanish?

No. Now, if you spell it out as "televisión", you do use an accent mark.

What is if in Spanish?

if = si (withOUT the accent mark) yes = Sí (with the accent mark)

Does madre have an accent mark?

Yes, the word "madre" does not have an accent mark on the first syllable.

Does the french word merci have an accent mark?

Yes, the French word "merci" does not have an accent mark.

Is it correct to say ''Puérto Rico'' with an accent mark above the e or ''Puerto Rico'' with no accent mark?

The accent is normally omitted in English.

Does Jose have an accent mark is spanish?

Yes, the name "José" has an accent mark in Spanish to differentiate it from the name "Jose" which does not have an accent. The accent mark changes the pronunciation of the letter "e" in the name.