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another name could be a present another name could be a present

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15y ago
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8y ago

Overgifted, ungifted, well-gifted.

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15y ago


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Layla Muchell

Lvl 1
3y ago

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Layla Muchell

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3y ago


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Brandyn McClure

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3y ago
I agree with this answer
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Cortney Runolfsdotti...

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3y ago
I agree with this answer
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Eldred Bergstrom

Lvl 1
3y ago
Are you sure about that?
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Layla Muchell

Lvl 1
3y ago
yes i am sure it is present

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Q: What is the adjective for gift?
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What is the adjective from the sentence shyly gave her the beautiful gift?

The adjective in that sentence is "beautiful". An adjective is used to desciribe a noun. The noun in the sentence is "gift".

What is the adjective of gift?


How do you make gift an adjective?

I am going to give my mother a gift bag for her birthday.

A verb form ending in -ing and used as an adjective is a?

The wrapping on the gift was lovely. Agerund

Is presented and gifted ia a verb?

The word presented is the past participle of the verb to present; and as a past participle, it is also and adjective. The word gifted is the past participle of the verb to gift; and as a past participle, it is also an adjective. Examples: Verb: The presented the winner with a trophy. Adjective: Each presented deb received a gift to give to their parents. Verb: He decided to gift the university with his small inheritance. Adjective: She attends a school for gifted children.

Is anniversary a noun or verb?

It can be used as a noun or adjective NOT a verb, as a noun .. as in "our tenth anniversary" and adjective; of or relating to an anniversary, for example... "an anniversary gift"

Is 'grateful' a verb?

No, that's actually a adjective, because it describes a noun. I was grateful for that gift bag.

What is 'beautiful gift' in Italian?

Bel regalo is an Italian equivalent of 'beautiful gift'. The masculine adjective 'bel'* is pronounced 'behl', and means 'beautiful, handsome'. The masculine gender noun 'regalo' is pronounced 'reh-GAH-loh', and means 'gift'.*The adjective is 'bello'. But it may drop the final '-lo' before a noun that begins with a consonant.

Is thoughtful a noun?

No, the word 'thoughtful' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun. Example:My coworkers sent a thoughtful gift when I was in the hospital.The noun form of the adjective 'thoughtful' is thoughtfulness.The word 'thoughtful' is the adjective form of the noun thought.

How do you spell present in German?

präsentieren - to present Geschenk - (Christmas or Birthday) present Präsent - present (gift) anwesend (adjective) - (to be) present

Is the word thoughtful a noun and a verb?

The word thoughtful is an adjective, a word that describes a noun. Example:My coworkers sent a thoughtful gift when I was in the hospital.

What type of word is under?

The word under is a preposition, an adverb, and an adjective; for example: Preposition: We keep the step ladder under the stairs. Adverb: The stream flows under a bridge. Adjective: That's a perfect gift for an under graduate.