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Q: What is the adjective for tiger paced up and down?
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What is a sentence for sentinel?

The sentinel paced up and down, watching for enemies

Does it mean anything when a tiger is climbing down on a tattoo?

Climbing down as in climbing down a hill, the tiger is looking for prey, to hunt, to kill. Climbing up the hill, it means the tiger is done with all earthly struggles and wishes to end all the killing, and to go up the hill to rest.

How do you spell Up-Side-Down?

The spelling is upside down, which is hyphenated upside-down when used as an adjective.

Is nervously an adverb?

Yes, the word nervously is an adverb.

How high can a tiger be trained to jump vertically?

Question is not clear. Vertically down or up? Up -> may be to 16ft, I guess.. Down -> depends on where it falls from

Who would win a fight between a female tiger and female lion?

The Female lion would win because they hunt and they are more experienced to take down large prey bigger than a tiger and the female lions team up angaint one so if a femmale tiger comes around the female lions will team up and take the tiger down

Who would win in a fight between a jaguar and a Bengal tiger?

Bengal tiger is hunting in a jungle a jaguar meats up and growls at the tiger the tigerSnarls back the jaguar swipes the tiger but the tiger dodges the hit sprints in toVegetation the jaguar scampered up a tree it spotted the tiger it lands into the openThan the jaguar tries to knock the tiger down but the the tiger sinks its teeth into theJaguar neck killing the jaguar WINNER🏆 Bengal tiger wins

What is a sentence using the word sentinel?

The sentinel paced up and down, watching for enemies. Each sentinel was assigned to watch for enemy ships along a certain area of the coast.

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What is important about a tiger's eye?

The eye of a tiger is yellow with a black center, the colors shift so they can see at night, the tiger stone has the same colors and when moved up or down or left and right, the colors shift

What is the meaning Pace-up and down?

"Pace-up" typically means to increase the speed or intensity of something, while "pace-down" means to decrease the speed or intensity. These terms are often used in reference to adjusting the tempo or rhythm of an activity or process.

Who would win Russian Brown Bear or a Siberian Tiger?

The tiger would, Brown bears make up 1-1.5 % of there diet. Bears may be heavier but the tiger is faster and better fighter then a bear. Tigers are also very muscular compared to a bear that's more fat then muscle. The Siberian tiger could tale down any bear you wish; Koala, black , teddy, polar, panda, Kodiak, Grizzly